May 09, 2011

Mini ink pen 'walkthrough' tutorial

Homemade Strawberry Shortcake.
How I missed you.

Art Trade with Nneka! We both wanted a character from the anime series Escaflowne. She had requested Dilandau, a psychotic soldier dude.

I had a tough time deciding on Dilandau's (guy in the middle) pose...

Started finalizing the background elements. Decided to stick to a pose for Dilandau, finally...!
Now that all of the elements in the picture are clear, all that needs to be done is pushing objects forward by leaving them white and pushing objects back into the background by shading it very dark. This part takes me the longest time and effort, it's a crucial step but it takes a lot of patience.
I've toned down this guy a lot. I didn't want him to stick out like a sore thumb so I tried reducing his head size first. Afterwards I just needed to put more shades of black so that he blends in the background.
The right part of the picture is pretty much done. The left part... *shudder*
Arrgh I screwed up a lot in this part. I was still indecisive about the guy on the far left when I started working on him. Fatal mistake. Live and learn I guess. :(

Nonetheless, I hope you like it Nneka...! It's probably not what you had expected to receive. I wanted to try drawing some sort of story-driven comic panel, haha... ;;

-Regular Staedler eraser
-Watercolor brush for the light washes
-Staedler Permanent marker for filling in the blacks (and to not be affected by the washes)
-Pilot Fineliner pen for the blending washes
-Red Prismacolor pen, I didn't have any other red pens around.

Water and cloth for the pen washes.

Paper brand isn't very important to me, as long as it's good with ink and watercolor washes. See how it bleeds through the other side of the sketchbook paper and barely nicks or scrapes the paper underneath? That's really good paper, in my standards.


  1. D:

    my jaw just dropped just like your patrick profile picture XDXDXD

    man holiday is indeed making me doing less drawings D:

  2. LOL thanks Carmen ;__;

    Ugh, I know right!! It's so hard to be productive lately.

    ... wanna do an art trade? XD

  3. SURE DO! XD

    what kind of drawings do you expect from me? =P
    I don't know what I want yet hhmmmmm... :/


    Ahh, I'm not sure either... I just really want an artwork from you. Anything at all, it can even be just a sketch if time is restricted! D:
    Do you know One Piece??

    Take your time on deciding man, I can start on it anytime and mail it to you later. :D

  5. lol sure I don't know what I want yet D:
    I'll try my best to fulfil your wish~~ >w<

    I'm mailing yours now :) I hope u like it! Sorry for the delay! AN of course. tried to do printing all at once to save money OTL

  7. My God, I'm so glad Nneka. I was getting nervous LOL;;;;;

    EEEE I can't wait for yours! Holy fudge <3 I'll let you know when I receive it!!

  8. LOL ONE PIECE I knew you love them so much XD

    uhmm....I never seen you drew gals a lot and I love k-on anime...ALL GIRL BAND ROCKS!! XD

  9. You do realize you made my heart stop when I saw this. You're amazing! :D
